
Pizza Sliders with melted butter on top

Pizza Sliders

We decided to try something slightly different this year for our 4th of July dinner. Pizza Sliders couldn’t have been easier and they tasted simply amazing. I had pinned this recipe years ago and decided now was a good time to give it a try. Sandwich sliders have become quite popular over the years however

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Peanut butter Balls

Peanut Butter Coconut Balls

Snacking just got easier and more delicious. I am always looking for ways to snack smarter and healthier. Sometimes it’s an easy task and other times it’s struggle to open the fridge or pantry door and reach for something nutritious. I love peanut butter however the thought of a spoonful of it for a snack

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Warm Italian Cheese Dip on tortilla chip

Warm Italian Cheese Dip

I was introduced to this warm Italian cheese dip by my dear friend Priti. She and I have been doing porch swaps meals while we are staying at home and this one tops the list. We inhaled this dish, in fact it’s all we ate for dinner. Lately we have been talking about how fun

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Tomato, Olives, Pesto Tart

Tomato Pesto Olive Tart

When deciding what to make for dinner or bring to your next dinner party this Tomato Pesto Tart includes 6 ingredients and takes 5 minutes to prepare. It honesty doesn’t get any easier than this. I stumbled upon this recipe in Savory Sweet Life and it’s across multiple food blogs as a staple meal that

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Salsa on a chip

Smokey Sweet Salsa

When asked what’s your greatest weakness when it comes to food, the answer without question is chips and salsa. Self-control is hard for me anytime I am in the presence of warm chips and homemade salsa. The good news for you is I have the world’s best salsa recipe to share. This is a frequently

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Black Bean Dip

I stumbled upon this black bean dip several years ago online and it’s a recipe I revisit frequently. Every time I make it for a party it’s a huge hit. Most appetizers can typically be carb heavy so it’s nice to have a recipe on standby that’s healthy, vegetarian and delicious. You can serve this

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