
Apple Muffins on cooling rack

Mom’s Apple Muffins

Whenever I am asked “Growing up, what was your favorite food or treat that your mom made?” without hesitation I answer “Her apple muffins!” Every time I make them, I can’t help but think of my mom. Since it’s Mothers Day, it’s a perfect excuse to make them, share with friends and remember the countless

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Banana Bread muffins

Banana Bread

It’s not unusual to be asked what my favorite thing to cook is, and typically sweet bread (banana, zucchini, orange cranberry, rhubarb) is at the top of the list. Banana bread is something I have perfected over time and without fail every time it comes out pretty close to perfect. When Anna introduced me to

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Artisan loaf of bread in stock pot

No Knead Crusty Artisan Bread

Making bread is something I love to do; I actually would consider it my specialty. Anything from banana, orange cranberry, zucchini and even rhubarb bread, however up until this point I have never made a regular loaf of bread. With the current Stay at Home orders in place I have been swapping meals with my

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