Bullet Proof Coffee, Espresso, Whipped Coffee and Chai Tea Connoisseurs

John and I are no strangers to coffee. When we first got married we were avid fans of the Keurig machine and it worked great. A couple years ago John introduced me to the AeroPress and we were very immediately impressed with the flavor. Next thing I know we are buying a coffee grinder and even elevated our coffee game with the Fellow Kettle. We found it on a black friday sale at Williams-Sonoma. We LOVE everything about this kettle.

Barista’s in training

We had been talking quite a bit about how awesome it would be to up our coffee game. A belated birthday gift lended the famous Breville Barista Express Espresso Machine. John did a ton of research and the Breville stood out with glowing reviews.  We have been using this machine every single day and having a blast. At first we were slightly intimidated but after the first couple times using the machine it was super easy.

Whipped Coffee (Dalgona) Recipe

A few weeks ago I saw the TikTok phenomenon all around whipped coffee and it taking over 20 minutes to make by hand. I was intrigued to learn more about this rapidly popular drink. It turn out it’s pretty awesome. Here is how I make it.


  • 1 tablespoon instant coffee (I used Nescafe)
  • 1 tablespoon sugar
  • 1 tablespoon boiling water
  • 8 oz milk

In a cup add ice and milk of choice. Place instant coffee, sugar and water in a bowl and use a hand mixer until frothy and thick (2-3 minutes). Pour whipped coffee over milk and stir. If you prefer a hot beverage, simply froth milk and pour whipped coffee over hot milk.

Bullet Proof Coffee Recipe

I was recently introduced to bullet proof coffee and I can now see why this drink is quite popular. When I made it for the first time I used Ghee and honestly wasn’t a fan of the way it tasted. So after more research I have made my own recipe.


  • 8-10 oz of hot coffee
  • 1/2-1 tablespoon Kerrygold butter
  • 1 tablespoon of Brain Octain Oil (MCT) oil
  • 1-2 scoops collagen protein powder
  • 1 teaspoon coconut butter (optional)
  • Splash of heavy cream or coffee creamer (optional)

Add all ingredients in a blender and mix well. Enjoy!

Unger Pressure

We now have a dedicated place for the Espresso machine and I found it fitting to have a custom Coffee sign made for this special place in our kitchen. I have been following The Little Bird on Instagram and love her work. She is located in Argyle, TX and was eager to help me create a custom piece. We love how well it turned out.

Accessories make a better cup of coffee

I was introduced to Creme Coffee Products and recommend the tamping/leveling tool and funnel. The Tamping tool is double sided. It’s adjustable in height and provides an even distribution of coffee grinds every time. The funnel has come in handy to help eliminate wasting coffee grinds and the tamping tool fits nicely on top allowing you to use them both at the same time.

Chai Tea

I have been drinking Chai Tea latte’s since college and always the hunt for the best Chai Tea. Well I think I found it. Thank you to the most amazing coffee shop in Coppell, TX, American Tea and Coffee, I landed this bottle of highly concentrated Maya Chai. The owner even mentioned winning awards for this drink. A little goes a long way and now I can make it at home!