Italian Pop-Up Dinner with a Purpose

Pop-up Dinner with a Purpose was an event not to be missed. Tickets were $100 per person and 100% of all proceeds are donated to Head for the Cure, a nonprofit supporting brain cancer research.

This idea of hosting a pop-up dinner was created last year due to my love of all things food and was an incredible hit with everyone who attended. So I decided this year I will host two dinners. An Italian and Thai themed experience.

A week before the event I was able to sell 9 seats and the day before my neighbors handed me a check for $100. This put me at the $1,000 mark of funds raised. I was speechless.

We had eight people join us and the evening flowed perfectly, and the conversations never stopped. It was beautiful. The menu was inspired by my dear friend Anna, who also helped create the Circle of Friends Cookbook.

The Menu:

  • Zucchini Medallions with aioli sauce
  • Vegan Caesar Salad
  • Cheesy Garlic Bread
  • Anna’s “Gravy” (Red sauce with meatballs and Italian Sausage)
  • Kenny’s Italian Kitchen Tiramisu (did you know they fly this in from Italy?)
  • Scout and Cellar wine (Thank you Irina for the donation!)

Why Head for the Cure?

Seven years ago I lost my best friend Stevie Patrick to brain cancer at the age of 31. Ever since her diagnosis three years earlier, I made it my mission to volunteer and support Head for The Cure in order to raise awareness and funds needed to find a cure for brain cancer.

There are so many great moments from the dinner that I will remember however one of the most memorable moments was a guest saying, “The best gift you can give your friends is your other friends.” This embodies everything about this experience. While we all came together to support a cause that means so much to me, friends connecting with other friends was pure magic.