
A Girls Getaway to 30A

Day 1 – We arrived in 30A Our journey to Seacrest Beach began with our arrival in Panama City, jumped in our rental car which we named “Ron Jon”. Our drive to Seacrest was 30 minutes, as we made our way to the Waterhouse condo, centrally located between Rosemary and Seaside, it’s a spacious and

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It was Absolute Bananas

John and I have been avid fans of the Savannah Bananas for the past year and a half. It’s incredible how outrageously funny and entertaining this team is. Trying to snag a ticket for their home games is like finding a needle in a haystack. This year, they’ve upped their game by going on a

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2 Nights in Boston

Baseball is a priority in the Unger household, and since John’s bucket list includes a visit to all the baseball parks across the US, Fenway Park made the top of the list since it is the oldest standing baseball stadium. John grew up watching the Mets and they happen to be his favorite team so

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Away Cary-on bag

Away Carry-on Review

When it comes to travel I pretty much have it down to a science on how to pack. I do everything in my power to avoid checking a bag. Even a two week trip to Thailand I was able to pack everything I needed in a carry-on and a backpack. I have seen the Away

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Dusti drinking a vanilla latte

A Hometown Visit to the NW

John and I left for Portland, OR the middle of August and have been here for the past four weeks. We couldn’t anticipate the timing of the trip but knew was inevitable. My dad was admitted to the hospital earlier this summer and has been recovering at a skilled nursing facility ever since. A Flight

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